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Editing Services

Full manuscript editing: spelling, punctuation, structure of sentences, adjective and verb agreement, correct tense and word usage, order of words within the sentence, etc. Consistency of action, believability of characters and factual errors.

​Every writer will be at a different stage in the development of his writing skills. A debut novelist working on his first manuscript, for example, may require a far greater degree of assistance than do those more experienced in the craft. After reading the first few chapters of a writer’s manuscript, I will be better able to establish the kind of assistance required, and quote a price accordingly.



Flat rates:

​Novel length manuscripts
(Includes blurbs for back cover or book description online)

US $450 for manuscripts up to 50,000 words.

US $550 for manuscripts up to 70,000 words

US $650 for manuscripts up to 100,000 words.

US $800 for manuscripts over 100,000 words.

(Includes blurbs for back cover or book description online)

Terms: $50 up front then 50% of balance after first revision. Balance paid on completion.

A 10% discount is offered to clients using UK spelling.


Short Fiction

$100 up to 5,000 words

$200 from 5,001 to 10,000

$300 from 10,001 to 20,000

$400 from 20,000 to novel length


El Cheapo editing service - $50 flat rate

For the impecunious client or the beginning writer. Working from a sample of your manuscript, I will provide you with a list of edits to be made passim. For a full explanation of how this works, please see my blog here:

Please note that the El Cheapo service is the only service currently available for any work where the English is at a remedial level.


Academic Material​

Depending on the subject matter, these will be quoted on an individual basis. In general, prices will be approximately 50% above those for fiction of a comparable length.




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